اجابات امتحان تانية ثانوى
1- recommend
2- toxic
3- agriculture
4- regularly
5- take
6- pass
7- denied
8- with
9- had been
10- willbe working
11- grown
12- was leaving
13- at
14- wasting
15- not to play
16- walking
17- busy bees
18- queen
19-the same
20- bees are active creatures
21- as it apart of its abdomen
digestive track
it_ cant pull the barbed
stinger back out
The dancing bee starts running
in a
straight line, and she does,
shaking her body to attract
the attention of the other bees.
After traveling a long distance,
I ran to the left and ran to run again.
But this time it turns right at the end,
It's full of detail, and the details
are not only meaningful
but also vital for survival.
It shows them the direction
must take off and
distance they must
travel to reach the flowers that depend on
them. The world of bees is really incredible! There are many morals that can be
learned from them, such as cooperation, self-denial, and perseverance
Bees communicate with each other through dancing while human beings communicate
with each other through talking or sign language
السؤال ٢٦
Efforts made to improve the standard of
living can only bear fruit with the cooperation of individuals with the
government. Therefore, a good citizen is the one who performs his duties and
takes his rights.
25 - الضحك هو أفضل دواء. أثبت الباحثون أن الضحك له فوائد
كثيرة. يخفف الألم ، ويساعد الجهاز المناعي ، ويقلل من التوتر ، وينشط الهرمونات
ويجعلنا نشعر بالسعادة
فىرابط تحت الفيديو
إرسال تعليق